Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Day 33, 34 July 2, 3

Last night we arrived in Homer Alaska, we saw the moose family and hung out with Paulette our host at the B&B with the beautiful view! She has a gold mine claim near Nome Alaska, lives in Nevada in the winter and here in the summer. Her husband charters a fishing boat.

We met Chad at the B&B he works for Paulette and her husband Kerry, He invited us fishing at the Hole with his girl friend Kari. He taught me the new fishing technique to catch these Salmon!! The spit is where you fish...the place to fish is called the Hole! Its a man made fishing hole. They put Salmon there each year. The Salmon go out for 4 years or so and then return to their place of birth to spawn. Each year its full of Salmon but they can't spawn because they need fresh water .It makes a nice place for fishing. After spawning the fish die...so i imagine the Hole smells pretty bad after they all die!

We saw hundreds but again we didn't get a catch. This time you couldn't snag, you had the bobber on the end of the line and the hook in the middle with a small weight near it. You throw in the line and keep it tight with the end of the pole in the water. Then wait for the fish to come by...supposedly he has his mouth open and hits the line the bobber goes under and you pull up and snag him! Fishing is an art here!
Starting on the 5th you can start snagging here like we did in Seward...I will catch a
Chad and Carry invited us to go Halibut fishing tomorrow for the 4th~ More new friends even if these guys are the age of our kids! After meeting our other new friends Jed 13 and Veronica 11 you could say our new friends are closer to our age! Chad and Carry are great young people and we really enjoyed spending the day with them!
Love ya

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