Tuesday, October 7, 2008


This is the view from our friends Paulette and Kerry's home in Homer. This is one of the most beautiful views from anyones house I have ever seen. The first time we stayed with them...we would open our blinds and look out thinking" this can't be real"

This view reminds me of the kind of people Paulette and Kerry were...yes were...we have just found out that they were killed in a fatal airplane accident last Wedsday.
They were beautiful people like this view and the glacier back there just keeps going on and on...and so will the memories of these two beautiful people.
My heart goes out to the family...and my prayers for this to bring them soooo much closer together than they ever were before.
My prayer is that good will come out of this...someway...somehow...Amen

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, Mary! How sad! You are so sweet to remember them and memorialize them with your heart-warming comments. I'm so sorry for your loss!